Spring Book Haul

It’s been quite a while since I last posted a book haul and with good reason! This one was a bit of a struggle because I had to remember where I put all of the books to make sure that I captured them all. I normally try to keep all books received in the same order together as much as possible until I photograph them because it’s an extra safety measure to help me remember which books I’ve already bought, especially when it comes to Book Outlet! I’m generally pretty good at remembering off the top of my head which books I already have, even though there are so many, although even in this stack I discovered one that I’d bought even though I already had a copy! I somehow forgot that I’d already bought The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware a while ago, so when I saw it on Book Outlet again, I thought I still didn’t have it and grabbed another one. At least it was at a relatively low price! This time around, I found it harder to round up all of my books because some of them were preorders that came one by one over several weeks. I’m pretty sure I managed to grab everything without overlapping my previous haul, minus one book that I know for sure that I forgot (which I’ll get to further down), and I hope I didn’t forget any!

This first photo is three months of Book of the Month orders, which included a nice mix of some of my most anticipated books of this year and many that I’d never heard of before! I normally have no trouble filling my box with the maximum number of books, but the past couple of months I was a little surprised by some of the selections. In June specifically, there were several other books, mainly thrillers, that I was assuming would be selections and instead it was mostly books that I hadn’t heard of. Luckily, Peter Swanson’s A Talent for Murder was a main pick so that made it an easy choice! I think April was an especially great month of selections/add-ons for me since it had so many books I was already so excited for. May was a little more questionable since I didn’t know much about most of the main picks. I chose The Return of Ellie Black since that was already on my TBR, and ended up picking a couple more based on the seeing the hype/reviews as well as two backlist titles. I’m really hoping Riley Sager’s new book is either a selection or an add-on for July! I fully expected it for June, but it comes out relatively late in the month so I guess there is still a chance.

This next photo is a pretty huge stack of books that I picked up from Indigo and Amazon, the vast majority of which were preorders. Almost every single one of these books is so high on my priority list to pick up this year, so I’m hoping this will give me a bit of a push to actually follow through and ready them. I’m a little intimidated by a couple of the longer books in this stack! Some of these were books that I expected to be BOTM selections (ie. Funny Story) and went on to buy immediately after seeing that they weren’t. On the other hand, others were books that I had already preordered, and then saw that they were available through BOTM! It’s become a real challenge to preorder sometimes now because I never know what’s going to come up. I love looking at other bloggers predictions lists, but it’s impossible to know which ones will actually make it. I really can’t wait to get started on reading so many of these!

The last two photos are a bunch of books that I bought from Book Outlet over the course of three months, as well as 2 of the 3 books that I bought from BetterWorldBooks, which are the two on top in the second photo. I completely forgot to add the third book because I had it on my desk in a pile of books that I’d recently read and had also recently posted about it on my Instagram, so I don’t feel too bad about leaving it out. For anyone curious, that book was Lying in Wait by Liz Nugent. I wasn’t really planning on buying so many books from Book Outlet, but they had quite a few more recent releases that I was already interested in buying, including some authors who might become future priority authors. I actually ended up buying Homegoing twice but gave away one of the copies. I bought it first from BetterWorldBooks because I’ve spent years looking for a hardcover copy, and wasn’t that happy with the quality of the one I received. Even though it was described as “excellent” condition, I found it was more banged up than I wanted. Almost immediately afterwards, hardcover copies came up on Book Outlet for the first time in literally years, and I decided to take a chance and buy a second one in hopes of getting a better one. Luckily, I did! The books are organized here in no particular order this time. I usually try to arrange them either by genre or by keeping books ordered together in the same stack, but this is a bit more of a mix of all the different orders together.

If anyone would like to follow along with my reading challenges and see what I’m currently reading in addition to book hauls, please follow me on Instagram here

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