Top 10 Tuesdays: Most Anticipated Books for the Second Half of 2024

My Most Anticipated lists for each half of the year are always some of my favourite posts to write, but for some reason, I found it especially difficult this time! Usually I have trouble picking which books to include because there are way too many options, but this time I found it challenging in a different way. I tend to try to include at least 1 book for each month to balance things out a bit, but this time around, it was very difficult to do that! There are a ton of books that I’m interested in being released in July, August and even September, but I had hardly anything on my TBR for the fourth quarter of the year. I don’t know if it’s just a matter of publication schedules or if books for those months haven’t been announced yet, but I was surprised to see I had so few listed! I even went back and looked at the last quarter of 2023 just for comparison sake, and I was definitely right in noticing that I had far fewer options this time. Even after specifically going to look at upcoming releases for November and December, I found that I had only 10 or fewer books for each of those months on my list, whereas last year I’d had about double for each. I’m hoping more books will be announced as the year goes on! For now, I’ve chosen 10 of the books that I’m most excited for to mention in detail, as well as a lengthy honourable mentions list afterwards with many of the others that I’m also very excited for! Some of my books that made my honourable mentions list ended up there just because I wanted to try to get a few from each month if possible or felt that I’d already mentioned them recently, not necessarily because I’m any less excited!

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

1) The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer (July 16)

I haven’t even read this author’s debut The Wishing Game yet, but this book still jumped straight to the top of my list! This book is inspired by The Chronicles of Narnia, and it is about two best friends Jeremy and Rafe who went missing in a forest as children, only to reappear six months later with no explanation for what happened. Fifteen years later, Rafe has no memory of this time, but Jeremy has become a famous missing persons’ investigator hired to help a young woman Emilie find her sister who vanished in the same forest. Jeremy knows that he and Rafe had been sent to a magical realm but has been keeping it a secret from his friend ever since. However, believing that Emilie’s sister is now in that realm too, he must travel back there with her and with Rafe to confront their past, even if that means letting Rafe in on the secret. This sounds absolutely incredible! The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is one of my all-time favourite books, although I wasn’t quite as invested in the rest of the series. I am so intrigued by this kind of new spin on a Narnia-like story, and I’m very interested to see what the author does with it!

2) The Pairing by Casey McQuiston (August 6)

It’s no surprise that this book ended up on my most anticipated list since it is also one of my 5-star predictions for the year, based on how much I’ve enjoyed everything else this author has written! This book is about two bisexual exes, Theo and Kit, who accidentally book the same European food and wine tour. They have not spoken to or seen each other at all since their breakup, and in an attempt to prove that they are really over each other, they challenge each other to an international hookup competition. Of course, I can already guess that this will just lead them back to each other, but I’m so excited to read it anyway! Red, White and Royal Blue is one of my all-time favourite romances and I loved One Last Stop almost equally as much. I also really enjoyed their YA romance I Kissed Shara Wheeler, although it was a bit harder for me to get into that one compared to their adult romance titles. I’m strongly considering preordering this one, but keep holding back in case it becomes a BOTM selection.

3) House of Glass by Sarah Pekkanen (August 6)

This one feels like a slightly random choice compared to some of the others here. I love this author’s collaborations with Greer Hendricks, although I’ve fallen a little behind, but I’ve only read one of her solo books and didn’t like it quite as much. To be fair, that book was a family drama and not a thriller, and that alone might make the difference. I chose this book because for some reason, I’ve been absolutely obsessed with it ever since I first saw it announced. I was so sure I’d mentioned it in a post before, but can’t seem to find it anywhere so I guess I didn’t. This book is about a child advocate named Stella who is appointed to the case of Rose Barclay, a 9-year-old girl who witnessed the possible murder of her nanny and has gone mute ever since. As soon as Stella walks into the Barclay home, she realizes there is something strange about it given that there is not a single bit of glass to be found anywhere, but even more importantly is the layers of secrets the family is desperate to hide when all of them could be suspects, even little Rose. This sounds absolutely incredible and exactly the kind of thriller that I tend to love!

4) I Need You to Read This by Jessa Maxwell (August 13)

This is another case where I haven’t even read this author’s debut yet, but this jumped straight to the top of my list! This book is about a woman named Alex whose childhood hero, famed advice columnist Francis Keen, suddenly dies, leaving an opening for someone to take over her column. Alex impulsively decides to apply for the job and is surprised when she actually gets it, but quickly begins to wonder what really happened to Francis when she starts to receive strange letters at the office. Deciding to investigate on her own, Alex soon finds herself trapped in a dangerous mystery that could put her own life at risk too. This is another mystery/thriller that seems to hit so many of the tropes that I tend to love! As soon as I saw the synopsis for this one, I went out of my way to find a place for it in this year’s challenge plans, so I’m hoping I can get a copy quickly and prioritize it ! I still need to read The Golden Spoon too (although I already have a copy of that one), so with any luck I’ll be able to fit both in before the end of the year!

5) Lucy Undying by Kiersten White (September 10)

It was between this book and Liane Moriarty’s newest release for this spot on the list, but I decided to give it to this book since it’s one that I’m highly anticipating and had never mentioned before! This book is inspired by Dracula, and focuses on Lucy Westenra, one of his first victims who rises as a vampire and has spent her immortal life trying to escape from Dracula and find herself. Things take an unexpected turn when she meets another young woman in 21set century London, who is also trying to break free. This woman, Iris, comes from a family who has built a health empire based on sinister secrets, and would do anything to maintain their power. Although she believed she’d never love again, Lucy and Iris find themselves forming an intense connection that is threatened by Iris’s family and by Dracula himself. This sounds amazing, and seems almost reminiscent of this author’s The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein, which also focused on an underrated female character connected to a classic story. I’m really looking forward to trying this one!

6) Somewhere Beyond the Sea by TJ Klune (September 10)

If I had to pick one book that was my most anticipated of the entire year, it would definitely be this one! I’ll admit that I don’t necessarily think The House in the Cerulean Sea necessarily needed a sequel, but at the same time, I’m very excited to be getting more of those characters! I’ve mentioned it before, but that book was essentially my perfect book and I’m really hoping that this one will be as well. This book focuses on Arthur as he is summoned to make a public statement about his dark past, and must fight for the future of his family, including Linus and all of the children in their care. When a new magical child shows up wanting to join them, Arthur knows that his family has reached a breaking point that will cause them to either grow stronger together or fall apart. The House in the Cerulean Sea had the perfect blend of humour, character development, and excellent writing for me, and I’m really hoping that this book will live up to it! I feel like this kind of sequel is always a bit of a risky move, but if it goes well, it could be incredible.

7) The Thirteenth Child by Erin A. Craig (September 24)

I have been obsessed with this book ever since I first saw the cover, and despite the fact that I still have not read anything by this author yet! This author’s books have been high on my list for the past two years, and somehow I keep putting them off. This one is her upcoming release about a young girl named Hazel, the thirteenth child in her family, whose godfather Merrick has planned out her entire future as a healer who will be known throughout the kingdom for her skill. He blesses Hazel with the ability to instantly deduce the exact cure needed to treat her patients, but this also gives her the ability to see when Death has claimed them forcing her to end their suffering. Haunted by those she’s had to kill, Hazel is brought to the royal court where she meets a disdainful prince whose father is marked for death, forcing her to decide whether she will do what she is supposed to or go against Death’s will. This sounds so interesting and has very strong fairy tale vibes, just like everything else this author has written so far! I really need to prioritize reading all of her books and hopefully this one coming out will give me some extra motivation.

8) The Last One at the Wedding by Jason Rekulak (October 8)

Hidden Pictures was one of my favourite books that I read last year, so it is not surprise that this author’s next thriller is at the top of my list! This book is about a man named Frank who is shocked when his estranged daughter Maggie calls him for the first time in three years to invite him to her upcoming wedding. Upon arriving at the private estate where the wedding will be held, Frank is surprised to learn that Maggie is marrying Aidan Gardner, the son of a famous tech billionaire, and does his best to try to reconnect with his daughter and get to know her new family. However, he soon finds Aidan seems evasive, Maggie doesn’t have time for him, and the rest of the town seems strangely hostile toward the Gardner family, forcing Frank to find a way to try to learn more about the family his daughter is marrying into without pushing too hard and risking losing her all over again. While the plotline of this one doesn’t necessarily grab me as instantly as Hidden Pictures did, I fully trust this author’s writing to make this a compelling thriller. I’m hoping I will love it just as much!

9) Not For the Faint of Heart by Lex Croucher (November 26)

I’m a little confused about the release date for this one since my Goodreads page shows both August and November, but I was struggling to find other releases to include from November so I’m counting it that way anyway! This book is this author’s second historical YA romance set in medieval times, this time inspired by Robin Hood. It is about Mariel, granddaughter the infamous Robin Hood who is newly in charge of the Merry Men, and with them, captures a young healer named Clem as retribution for her guardian helping the Sheriff. All seems to be going well until Mariel’s father is captured in an ambush, and determined to prove herself, Mariel sets out to get him back with Clem, her overly cheerful captive in tow. With public opinion toward the Merry Men changing, Mariel begins to doubt the cause she’s devoted her life to, and as she and Clem grow closer, they must fight for their own lives as well as for those they’ve both sworn to protect. It’s been a very long time since I’ve read anything Robin Hood-inspired, but this sounds like so much fun! I also have this author’s Gwen and Art are Not in Love on my list to pick up this year for similar reasons. If it’s true that this one doesn’t come out until late November, I probably won’t be able to read it before the end of 2024, but it’s likely to be high on my list for next year!

10) What the Wife Knew by Darby Kane (December 10)

Darby Kane was one my priority authors last year in hopes that I’d catch up on some of her books, but unfortunately I only ended up reading one! Her books seem to pretty consistently be released sometime in December, and this year is no exception. This book is about a young woman named Addison, who is quickly blamed her the death of her husband, renowned pediatric surgeon Dr. Dougherty, who fell down the stairs after just 97 days of marriage. As police begin to look into Addison, the town starts to grow more hostile especially following his first wife Kathryn’s lead. Determined to unravel the doctor’s legacy, Addison decides to forge ahead with her plans to ruin him, even if he is already dead and she has now become a target herself. This sounds very intriguing, although possibly a little on the complicated side. I really enjoyed this author’s debut Pretty Little Wife, and I’m looking forward to trying more of her books. This is definitely one that I won’t be able to squeeze in before the end of the year given the release date, but it will be on my plans for 2025!

Honourable Mentions:

Sleep Like Death by Kalynn Bayron (July 2)
The Haters by Robyn Harding (July 9)
The Hollywood Assistant by May Cobb (July 9)
It’s Elementary by Elise Bryant (July 9)
Only One Survives by Hannah Mary McKinnon (July 16)
What We’ll Burn Last by Heather Chavez (July 23)
Slow Dance by Rainbow Rowell (July 23)
The Last One by Rachel Howzell Hall (July 23)
Look in the Mirror by Catherine Steadman (July 30)
Such Charming Liars by Karen McManus (July 30)
What Have You Done? by Shari Lapena (July 30)
Like Mother, Like Daughter by Kimberly McCreight (July 30)
Burn After Reading by Catherine Ryan Howard (August 1)
A Sorceress Comes to Call by T. Kingfisher (August 6)
The Seventh Veil of Salome by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (August 6)
Lady Macbeth by Ava Reid (August 6)
Haunted Ever After by Jen DeLuca (August 13)
Under the Surface by Diana Urban (August 13)
I Would Die For You by Sandie Jones (August 13)
The Break-Up Pact by Emma Lord (August 13)
By Another Other Name by Jodi Picoult (August 20)
You Will Never Be Me by Jesse Q. Sutanto (August 20)
Someone in the Attic by Andrea Mara (August 20)
Prince of the Palisades by Julian Winters (August 20)
Celestial Monsters by Aiden Thomas (September 3)
A Very Bad Thing by JT Ellison (September 3)
Here One Moment by Liane Moriarty (September 10)
So Thirsty by Rachel Harrison (September 10)
Vilest Things by Chloe Gong (September 10)
Throne of Secrets by Kerri Maniscalco (September 24)
The Hitchcock Hotel by Stephanie Wrobel (September 24)
When the World Tips Over by Jandy Nelson (September 24)
The Mistletoe Mystery by Nita Prose (October 1)
Heir by Sabaa Tahir (October 1)
The Dark Becomes Her by Judy I. Lin (October 1)
A Song to Drown Rivers by Ann Liang (October 1)
The Wild Huntress by Emily Lloyd-Jones (October 8)
The Blue Hour by Paula Hawkins (October 10)
The Wedding Witch by Erin Sterling (October 15)
Rani Choudhury Must Die by Adiba Jaigirdar (November 12)
If You Can Hear This by Faith Gardner (November 19)
What the Woods Took by Courtney Gould (December 10)
A Witch’s Guide to Magical Innkeeping by Sangu Mandanna (December 24)

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