Top 5 Wednesdays: Fantasy

It’s actually been quite a while since I mentioned some of my favourite fantasy books or series! I tend to go through phases with fantasy in general, where I either read a ton of it, or I have a very hard time getting into it. When I was younger, I struggled a lot with fantasy for a while except for those like The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe or Harry Potter which had at least some grounding in the real world. For some reason, my brain just couldn’t latch onto the details of fantasy worlds in a way that made sense and I’d leave the book confused and frustrated. Luckily, over time that shifted and fantasy became one of my favourite genres! I actually think it was the Harry Potter series that reignited my interest and since then, I’ve found so many interesting fantasy series. I’ve learned not to be so intimidated by most of them although I sometimes still find myself hesitating to pick them up out of a fear that I won’t understand anything or that the writing will be too dense. I was also hesitant at first to pick up a lot of popular fantasy books because they seemed so overhyped, but when I finally tried them, I loved them! The majority of the books here are definitely books that I have featured before, but I don’t think I’ve necessarily included them all collected in one place, or if I have, it hasn’t been for quite a while! Below are some of my favourite fantasy books/series that I would highly recommend! Since I’m using cover photos, I’m showing only the first book in the series to represent them all. There’s a good chance I forgot a few but hopefully I captured at least the majority!

Top 5 Wednesday is a meme created by Gingerreadslainey on Youtube, and is now hosted by Sam at ThoughtsOnTomes. The official GoodReads group with the weekly topics can be found here.

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