Top 5 Wednesdays: Time Travel

This week’s theme was supposed to be books involving time travel that I’d recommend, but I realized that I haven’t actually read very many! The only one that immediately came to mind was The Time Traveler’s Wife, which I absolutely loved but I read it more than 10 years ago now. I also listened to an audiobook version of HG Wells’ The Time Machine, but that’s already such a classic that I don’t think it really needs recommending. I was actually surprised to see how few time travel books I’d actually read since it’s a trope that I do tend to love. I love books and movies that involve characters travelling through time and having to adapt to all the differences of wherever/whenever they end up. For example, one of the things that I loved about the Austin Powers movies was seeing him waking up after being cryogenically frozen for years, and having to adapt to being in the 90s rather than the 60s. I love books that involve that kind of “fish out of water” storyline. I also tend to really like the “groundhog day” kind of story of characters reliving events to try to get them right, although those can be a little repetitive at times. Instead of offering recommendations, I decided to look for some time travel books that I have on my TBR. Not all of these are books that I’m planning to read this year, but a good chunk of them are on my plans for 2024!

Top 5 Wednesday is a meme created by Gingerreadslainey on Youtube, and is now hosted by Sam at ThoughtsOnTomes. The official GoodReads group with the weekly topics can be found here.

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